by Christopher Barr │POSTED ON JANUARY 03, 2015
The 2015 line-up of films look pretty exciting to say the least. I have compiled a list of my most anticipated
films but first here are some other films that I’m looking forward to seeing and
some others that I’m a little worried about.
I’m looking forward to Blackhat
because of the return of director Michael
Mann. The film’s trailer is
available to see. It has that Michael Mann look of realism and spectacular
action as this race-against-time thriller draws it audience into the world of high
level cyber-terrorism.

Here are my top 10 most anticipated films of 2015.
10. Crimson Peak
Released: Oct 16
Chastain and Tom Hiddleston in a Guillermo del Toro film is all the news
I really need to know, I’m in. Pan’s Labyrinth was a dark magical tale
that lets us know, if Hellboy and Blade 2 wasn’t convincing enough, that
this director can bring the spooky and the creepy. This ghostly fable looks amazing with its
elaborate costume and set designs informing us that we are in for yet another interesting
dark world created by del Toro.
9. The Revenant
Released: Dec 25
González Iñárritu’s Birdman was my favorite film of last
year so this man at this point can do no wrong.
The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio
as a frontiersman in the 1820’s that gets mauled by a bear and is left for
death by men that he later tracks down to kill. Short of reading the book it is based on,
there is very little known about how the Birdman
director is going to visually take the film.
8. The Martian
Released: Nov 25
Prometheus wasn’t great but it wasn’t horrible
either, that said, Ridley Scott
directed two of the most successful and important science fiction films of all
time with Alien and Blade Runner. So it’s quite exciting to see that he’s
diving back into the genre with Matt
Damon in the leading role. There isn’t
really much available right now about the plot.
I’m just excited because all the elements seem at this point to be
lining up. The film also stars Jessica Chastain who is one of the best
actresses working in Hollywood today. Perfect, I’m in.
7. Ex Machina
Released: April 10
The trailer of this sci-fi film looks amazing. The film is about a young programmer that is
brought into a remote facility to participate in a breakthrough experiment in artificial
intelligence. In a Turingesque setting,
puts this programmer with a female robot with striking human qualities. His task is to find a level of consciousness
in her that is equal to that of a human.
Alex Garland has written and
directed this fascinating look into the evolution of machines versus the
possible extinction of man. Compared to the
A.I. film Chappie, this film appears
to be taking leaps and bounds into the prospects of the singularity and the
future of robotics, both sociologically and philosophically.
6. Ant-Man
Released: July 17
I think we can all agree that the Edgar Wright situation sucked and we would have wanted to see what
he would have done… but we are past that now.
This movie to me looks exciting because of Guardians of the Galaxy oddly enough. What I mean by that is trust, at this point
Marvel is on a roll so I have to believe that this movie is going to be another
hit and entertaining ride. Plus I’m
quite curious to see what Paul Rudd
will do. I’ve always been a fan of his
but he’s venturing into uncharted territory here. I think he’ll bring the right kind of humor that
will help carry the audience into this odd world. I also think he’ll bring the pain as well in
his performance which should surprise people.
5. Mad Max: Fury Road
Released: May 15
The trailer of this movie is a balletic masterpiece in its own
right. The film as far as I can tell is
one continuous chase through the scorching desert. George
Miller is back for his fourth installment of the Mad Max films. Mel
Gibson is Mad Max, but casting Tom
Hardy was the best possible move Miller could have done. I can’t think of anyone else that could be
Mad Max for a new generation. The film
looks nuts and off its rocker while looking incredibly beautiful at the same
time. Bring on the madness!
4. Spectre
Released: Nov 6
What’s exciting about this 24th Bond film is that Sam Mendes is coming back to direct
after directing the excellent Skyfall. Quantum
of Solace was a bit of a misstep only because Casino Royale blew everyone’s socks off, but what we have learned
is that Daniel Craig owns this
character. Christophe Waltz is playing a villain this time around which is another
added bonus. Skyfall was exciting and fun so it should be interesting to see
what Mendes and Craig do to fix Spectre
up enough so they don’t just repeat themselves.
3. The Hateful Eight
Released: TBA
This film started out almost not happening because someone leaked
director Quentin Tarantino’s
screenplay online. As a result and
rightfully pissed off, Tarantino decided to scrap the idea. He then warmed back up to the film, made a
couple of script changes and started filming the picture. The film is about 8 people in the old west,
with various skill levels in the art of killing, that find themselves pitted
against each other after being snowed in.
I love Tarantino films, they are sleek, they are violent, they are funny
and they are fresh every single time. So
whatever he decides to do I’m there.
2. The Avengers: Age of Ultron
Released: May 1
This sequel couldn’t be any more exciting and promising. Joss
Whedon, a huge fanboy in his own right, released one hell of a
trailer. Everything about this is mind-blowing,
from Ultron all busted up interrupting the Avengers as they celebrate some
victory, to the global scale of the story, to Black Widow flying out of an
aircraft and landing on a city street on a motorcycle, to Iron Man landing
inside his Hulk Buster armor to battle it out with the incredible Hulk. I got so many chills while watching this
trailer. These Marvel movies keep
getting better and better as they come along which even excites me more.
1. Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Released: Dec 18
The return of the original Star Wars cast in a brand new Star
Wars movie. Nothing can touch this level of bad ass. The teaser
trailer looked exciting, it showed a lot but revealed nothing. JJ Abrams made a great Star Trek movie
and I’m looking forward to see what he does with Star Wars. This new movie I think is going to
take the same lesson that the first X-Men
movie did from the horrible and laughable Batman
and Robin, it’s not going to repeat itself. It’s a well-documented fact that Episodes 1-3 were a huge misstep from
the original direction George Lucas
took when he created the first three films.
With that said, I think we are in for one mind blowing movie experience
come next December.
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