Friday 7 June 2024

The Acolyte: Star Wars and ‘Not’ Surviving the Woke Mind Virus.

Viewer discretion advised.


Where…. do… I… begin… this galaxy couldn’t be any far.. farther away.

Broken record when it comes to Disney…. but here it goes….  WOKE!!!

Laid on so thick it makes you want to hate yourself.  There was no fun of what little I actually could get through before I pulled the pin on the grenade.  

Boxes checked.

Hates men…. Check.

Hates white people…. Check.

DEI…. Check.

Diversity above meritocracy…. Check.

Bad fucking writing…. Check.

Boring characters…. Check.

I will not be going into any plot details because it might bore you to death and I want you to read this to the end, also you’re welcome.  What I would like to talk about isn’t necessarily this torpedo of a shit show, as Disney+ continues to spiral.  The woke mind virus is infecting everything.  It seems like there is no way around it.  For those of you who might be unclear on the meaning of woke and its cultural implications, damage, and severity; The Woke Industrial Complex is the ideology of an insincere fabrication of victims & victimhood through manufactured oppression/discrimination, for the ultimate purpose of acquiring power through such victimhood and attaining undeserved social standing through artificial outrage and virtue signaling.


If you feel the following symptoms consult your local doctor:

You know that people never say what they mean.  They mean what you think they mean.

You can accurately determine what other people mean by leaping incredibly large assumptions that come from your mind, not theirs, and then you can inform them of what they meant by what they said.

You get the sensation that you’ve helped because of the highly emotionally charged feeling that developed inside while you weren’t helping at all.  This helps make your efforts all about  - you guessed it  - you.

You get Social Justice Warrior points for criticizing and hopefully canceling other white people on social media to get your dopamine hit, but you don’t get any points for helping racially oppressed people because other people don’t notice you doing it.  No dopamine hit.

The question is: what is happening here?  Why is Disney sinking their own ship?  It is hemorrhaging from all sides, it knows it, we know it, and the shareholders know it, so why is the mouse without a house?  The Acolyte is boring, nothing about it is interesting, and the dialogue is so badly written. Laughable writing, horrible acting all around, no wisdom to be had by anything.  It’s a joke.  It’s not Star Wars, that ship sailed way back.  What I did watch of this, if I can get overly dramatic, felt like slicing lines on the tips of my fingers with a razor blade, full stop.

Jesus, the Jedi are killing themselves in this because it was so bad.  It turns out they are evil now; they are part of the patriarchy and must be stopped.  The Jedi are now the Sith?  Disney is dead, they killed Pixar, they killed Marvel, and they killed Star Wars.  May they rest in peace.  I’m not getting overly dramatic again, am I?

Back to the point.  Agenda.  What does Disney gain from losing?  What does any of this woke crap gain by losing.  I’m looking at you Bud Light and Target, and many others.  What are they gaining by losing?  They are doing it because they have no choice if they want to survive the next chapter of this thing we call life.  They have no choice but to do what we call ‘woke’.  It's business, not diversity.

The Force is Female after all.  Blame men.  Programming…..

The sad thing is, all these groups fighting over washrooms, pride parades, and equity have no idea that the government and their corporate sponsors are using them all.  They don’t care about black rights and the gay community, they don’t care.  They care about power.  They are using their power to keep people divided and distracted…. Why?

Climate change and the pandemic only affected the working class.  Rich people are fine, no virus, and pollute whenever.  The propaganda is so thick that it blinds most people.  We are all pitted against each other, and we are not the enemy.  They make us care about other people's sexuality when it’s none of our business, they make us care about skin color and not read philosophy.  I hate watching people, everywhere I look get duped by these governmental corporate criminals.  They don’t care about you, they don’t care!!

In conclusion: watch The Acolyte at your own risk.


Sorry, during the pandemic the ‘bought and paid for’ mass media instructed us not to do our own research.  I guess we’re supposed to believe them or some bullshit like that……

PS. There are only two genders.



Family, heterosexuality, and having babies are not in our owners' vision of their future, not ours, so asexual, boy on boy, girl on girl, or so many sexual partners that no one can trust anything is the state of our future.

Sorry folks, I wish I had some light to give at the end of this tunnel, but I can’t.  I wish I could…..

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