"Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Superman - a rope over an abyss. A dangerous crossing, a dangerous wayfaring, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling, and halting." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Dutch's team find the men they are there to rescue skinned alive and strung up in the trees, they also attack the guerrilla camp and kill all the insurgents. They soon discover that they are being hunted just as the team they were there to rescue. This Predator starts to kill them one by one and blending back into the jungle along the way.
Paralleling our own brutal nature during war, the film mirrors the Predator's cloaking technology to the Army Special Forces camouflage clothing and face paint, the Predator's skill, and silence during its kills and Dutch's teams skill and silence during the camp attack before they encounter the alien. They are all cut from the same killing cloth, it's just that the Predator's technology is far more advanced.
"If it bleeds.. we can kill it."
Watching the guerrilla insurgents kill their tied up prisoners allows us as a viewer, to feel justified in killing these predators during the camp attack, just as the Predator gets its justification from Dutch's team not only trying to kill it but thinking they can. The arrogance wrapped in these justifications is littered throughout the film. The men face an enemy far more skilled then they are, just as their enemies faced the same. Power begets power, war begets war, violence begets violence. The film is about the egotistical lunacy of war, it is about the circle of war and the inevitable death that is tethered to war.
"This thing of darkness I acknowledge mine." - William Shakespeare (The Tempest)
When Mac and Dillon go after the Predator it isn't just to avenge Blain or settle a score, it was also - subconsciously of course - to prove that humans are everything that we bluster about ourselves to be, that we hold dominion over this planet. Mac and Dillon are like the Titanic hubristically sailing the Atlantic thinking they are unsinkable, they underestimate their enemy. Once the Predator closes in its likely they might want to die just so they don't have to live in a world that they were wrong about. These are the extremes the human mind will go to avoid damaging the ego and ultimately avoiding cognitive dissonance.

"Get to the copppaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!"
The Predator is us in the future, bored, lonely, and angry. We have given our knowledge and our humanity over to our technology. We once advanced our minds through science, psychology, and philosophy where our knowledge was fought for. Now our knowledge is a commodification existing within computer data and is bought and sold. Tony Stark didn't build the Iron Man suit, his technology did, his A.I. operating system J.A.R.V.I.S did. The Predator inherited technology without much knowledge to go along with it.
"You are one...ugly..motha..fucka.."
Dutch, in the end, has to rely on his wits and doesn't have to rely on humankind's technology to save the day. He uses his ancestor's archaic methods that have helped them survive long before the invention of the bullet. Dutch uses the land to beat this predator while the Predator continues to rely solely on his technology. Dutch makes a wooden bow and set traps but he does this knowing that he alone couldn't beat the Predator. Here's the difference between someone picking up a gun and shooting someone with it and what Dutch does to defeat the Predator. Dutch takes responsibility for his weapons, he makes and understands what they do. There's certainly a large part of him that would rather not do this, but he has to in order to survive.

"This confrontation is the first test of courage on the inner way, a test sufficient to frighten off most people, for the meeting with ourselves belongs to the more unpleasant thing that can be avoided so long as we can project everything negative into the environment. But if we are able to see our own shadow and can bear knowing about it, then a small part of the problem has already been solved: we have at least brought up the personal unconscious. The shadow is a living part of the personality and therefore wants to live with it in some form. It cannot be argued out of existence or rationalized into harmlessness. This problem is exceedingly difficult, because it not only challenges the whole man, but reminds him at the same time of his helplessness and ineffectuality." - Carl Jung

When Dutch looks at the bleeding Predator dying under the massive log he curiously asks it, "What the hell are you?", mimicry being part of the Predator's defense programming, it repeats Dutch's exact words back to him, when it sees Dutch from its point of view, Dutch likely looks just as monstrous to the Predator as the Predator looks to Dutch, the creature then initiates his primary weapon on his left forearm console. Through this action, the Predator essentially answers Dutch's question by showing him who the hell he is. This is the biggest threat we face as a society where we live in an arms race and are not certain if the poor loser won't set off all their nuclear arsenal as they go down. "If we don't live, no one will fuck it all." Red buttons pushed all over the world sending the remaining members of us all back to the hunter-gather times only to start this lunacy all over again.
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