There were a number of films this year I missed for one reason or another. There were films that I past on because I was either not interested or it looked dumb and not worth my time and money. Hobbs and Shaw as an example. There were a number of films I did get sucked into and was either expecting to be disappointed or hoping I wouldn't be. Rambo: Last Blood and Pet Sematary are examples of unfortunate disappointments.

Glass unfortunately was a let down, especially the pointless third act. Unbreakable and Split both were so innovative, dripping with originality only to finish off in an underwhelming third film. Another train-wreck was Hellboy, boy did that lifeless attempt at imagination go to hell. Godzilla: King of the Monsters was a CGI mess that ended up getting covered up in so much dark shadow that, at times, you could barely even see what was happening.

Here are a list of my Top 10 films of the year. As I mentioned above, there were a number of films I didn't see this year so the list below are the top ten that I enjoyed, personally, not universally, not in any concrete way, did I mention that this is 'my' list?
The performances are top notch in this story of a marriage coming to an end. The film is quite raw and at sometimes hard to watch due to the heartbroken nature of it's subjects. The film is about a separation followed by the unnecessary side of legal red tape at a great financial cost. The film explores the technical side of divorce and the added hardships it compounds to those involved. Their little boy who gets pulled in both directions is the real tragedy in the film. Marriage Story felt like a Woody Allen film through and through. Director Noah Baumbach clearly doesn't shy away from this influence. It's probably his most Woody Allen since Baumbach's The Squid and the Whale.
Endgame is the second part of one of the most ambitious films ever made. It does it's best at managing the plot around so many characters. Marvel was wise to put the film's villain. Thanos at it's center. The movie is incredibly entertaining and has a couple of heartfelt moments, especially at the end with Tony's snap. I'm always a fan when time travel is part of a story. It's fun when characters travel back in time and see themselves from an outside perspective. This was done beautifully in Back to the Future 2 and it was well done here.
I was worried about this film because I'm such a huge fan of The Shining and Stanley Kubrick. But Doctor Sleep actually did not disappoint. This film had me thinking about it for days after seeing it in the theater. Not too many films these days can hold me like that. It was legitimately creeping and thrilling, it was filled with horror and sadness but ultimately was a story about loss and redemption, as well as sacrifice. Also you couldn't take your eyes off of Rebecca Ferguson.
This film was about friendship at 200 mph around a race track. The performances by Bale and Damon are some of the year's best. The race scenes are so incredibly thrilling that after the movie I had an appointment for a check up with my doctor, he asked me why my heartbeat was up more then usual. I told him I just got out of the theater seeing this film. He immediately understood.
The first John Wick movie we got 'gun-fu', the second one we got 'car-fu', in Parabellum we got 'dog-fu'. This movie solidifies the John Wick movies as one of the greatest action movie trilogies of all time. Keanu Reeves absolutely kicks ass in the role of John Wick. The action sequences in this movie are some of the best of the series, especially the fight scenes with Halle Berry and her two dogs in them.
This lazy ass movie will not be for everyone. The Dude in The Big Lebowski was tangled up in plot and Duke and his Attorney in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas dragged their asses but got to Vegas to report on the race, even if it was meaningless. Moondog in The Beach Bum may even be more tragic because he really has no where to go. That might be okay by him, but for us as a viewer, it isn't okay. Moondog made himself an outsider because there really isn't much worth fighting for anymore. The Beach Bum has cosmic implications. It's the universe looking back at us without any answers, because there weren't any there in the first place. Moondog lives in the now along with a universe that doesn't care about him, or anyone for that matter. Everyone around him lives for the future and that breeds hope and hope becomes disappointment, and they have now lost what it means to live in the present.
Brad Pitt's calm presents in this beautiful looking film is astounding. The space journey into darkness where Pitt's character travels to the edge of our Solar System mirrors Willard's trip up the Cambodian river to take out Coronal Kurtz in Apocalypse Now. Ad Astra is an existential journey to discover the meaninglessness of your life. It's the pilgrimage that the Buddha took to rid himself of all the answers life claimed to have understood. Like Dante's spiral into the Inferno, Ad Astra explores acceptance without hope, it explores reality and saves the fantasy from corrupting logic and reason.
"It is what it is."
With three of the greatest performances of the year, The Irishman appearing at all award shows when the season kicks in will be a surprise to no one. The film is long but you'd never know it due to Scorsese's camera moving around in this gangster world, filled with, maybe not back stabbing, more like sneak up behind gunshot blasts to the face. It's an unquestionably sorrowful film about a man so loyal, so willing to please his bosses that he's willing to shot a long time friend in the back of the head and alienate his daughter, along with a number of other people that he cares about. The last shot of the film has to be the saddest of the year, because in the end the one thing we all fear before our death........... is loneliness.
"You're Rick... fucking... Dalton!"
Is it Quentin Tarantino's best, no, but it's one hell of a film. It was overly indulgent, narcissistic and a bit meandering. There were earlier points where it seemed undecided under all the snappy dialogue but then it started to focus and man, is it worth the wait. Tarantino made a nostalgia film in his own image, gleefully. He is a filmmaker that isn't afraid to show us what he thinks is cool, even embarrassingly cool. The film let's us know it's a film and not a representation of reality. Sharon Tate gets to live and the Manson family members sent to kill her by Charlie don't get to live because fuck them. In the end we get the fairy tale the title promises, Once Upon a Time.....
"I thought my life was a tragedy, now I know... it's a comedy."