I hurt
myself today
To see if I
still feel
I focus on
the pain
The only
thing that’s real.
The Logan trailer is by far the best trailer
of the year so far. It has masterfully
distanced itself from the superhero movies that the film version of Wolverine
came from. This emotional trailer shows
a not so distant future where Logan is living with his demons as his body
doesn’t regenerate at the rate it once did.
It shows him caring for a sick Professor X in a somewhat dystopian sandy

My empire of
I will let
you down
I will make
you hurt.
Jackman’s performance just in the trailer is chillingly brilliant. His ‘Old Man Logan’ is wonderful and
heartbreaking at the same time. He
appears to be in the winter of his discontent, he appears to be slowly dying,
and while this realization may overwhelm him, it looks like it equally
frightens him.

Logan looks like the friendship between
Professor X and Logan is going to reach the palpable relationship of a father
and son. The film truly feels like a
last chapter in a long journey for a character who probably should have died
long ago for some of things he’s done, but in his suffering is the fact that he
lives on.

brilliance of the trailer is it makes us ask more questions rather than a lot
of trailers that just provide answers.
Why is Professor X in the state he’s in, why is Logan on the run, who is
this young girl and why is he not healing at the rate he use to? What the trailer did for me and imagine for a
lot of other people is made forget that it’s even a superhero movie. It gave me hope that the superhero genre can
elevate well beyond the pages of its original source material.
If I could start
A million
miles away
I will keep
I would find
a way.