By Christopher Barr │POSTED ON MARCH 06
There are some minor spoilers
but I promise you, it really doesn’t matter anyway.
London Has Fallen was a mediocre propagandized
American action movie that is a sequel to the equally mediocre propagandized
American action movie, Olympus Has Fallen. London
Has Fallen certainly has more action than its predecessor, more explosions,
more killing, which should make most of the American movie going audience
elated as they sit on their butter-stained theater seats and salivate as the unbridled
jingoism, proudly parades the screen from beginning to end.
The movie
follows the bellicose Secret Service Top Agent Mike Banning, who’s in charge of
the Presidential Protection Division, again as he aggressively fights to save
his Commander and Chief, the President of the United States of America. Again he’s saving him from the evil,
character-less terrorists that are hell bent on destroying America’s way of
life, even on British soil this time around.
The British
Prime Minister died after mysterious circumstances which led the leaders of the
free world to conjoin in London to attend his funeral. Here is when the evil-doers decide to make
their move by blowing up various London City land marks in a massive ambush to
kill all the world’s leaders. The
Canadian, French, Italian and Japanese Prime Ministers, through separate simultaneous
attacks, are discarded as the focus to save the United States President from
assassination is well, the only focus the movie cares to focus on.
Barkawi is the terrorist mastermind behind all the attacks because of revenge
against the west for bombing his daughter’s wedding in Pakistan. This massive explosion, executed by a US
military drone, almost killed Barkawi but he got away. Barkawi is an arms dealer, said to be responsible
for destabilizing many poor countries in order to sell them weapons to fight each
other with. Create the demand then
create the supply, I thought that was the United States’ foreign policy monetary
enterprise. In London Has Fallen the evil terrorists are the one’s initiating all
the instability around the world apparently, just because they are evil.

London Has Fallen is pure propaganda, not only
politically but also deeply psychologically.
This movie will further the USA down that deep dark xenophobic hole and
continue to blind its own citizens to the realities of how the world really
is. There are many moments in the movie
that I wouldn’t want to be a member of any region of the Middle East. Not because what the movie is espousing is
right but because how effective it is at convincing white people to fear anyone
of color. There’s a scene toward the end
of the movie where Gerard Butler’s character Banning beats a terrorist to near
death while telling him the problem with “you people” as he punches harder and
harder. Banning is inflaming a desire of
many Americans to hurt an enemy that the corporate operated media machine tells
them is an enemy. The Military
Industrial Complex along with the office of the President tell the American
people that an enemy wants to hurt them and their families. That enemy is simply known as ‘terrorist’
which is a brush that the Government and its Corporate Media conspirator can
paint anywhere they want to paint it.
The war
carried out by the America/Corporate elite is inside not outside its borders. The war is against the every people who
blindly believe, because they are told day-in and day-out, that America is the
greatest country on the planet Earth.
Yet there is no real evidence that supports this belief. This is also why religion is so powerful in
America because it too is not supportable when it is subject to the scrutiny of
evidence. Most Americans, certainly not
all, fashion their lives around a fantasy that is presented to them by the very
institutions that have sworn to protect them.
Many of the
citizens of America are not treated with any kind of human dignity. When this crucial necessity is waylaid in
support of control, this becomes indicative to a decline of a
civilization. The only real reason why
it’s hanging on as long as it has is because of a mass tsunami of distraction
available to the average American citizen.
The War on Drugs is a joke, it’s a political slogan that’s been reduced
to a weathered stained bumper sticker stuck to the backs of 30 year old rusted
trailers. Americans are on drugs, they
are on illegal drugs and legal big pharma drugs and are convinced there’s an
actual difference. They are on the drug
of alcohol which provides the necessary hostility required for them to fight
each other over their ludicrous beliefs.
They are on one of the biggest drugs of them all, they are addicted to
television, with its sports, its MMA fighting, and now throw in social media. They are addicted to the detached nature of
the cell phone and the banal music that it plays.

Sadly the
biggest drug of them all is America itself.
The country of America is a drug, a very persuasive drug that is quite
rapidly addicting the world. It’s
illusion of freedom is too strong in order to shock this nation out of its sedated
lethargy. Hope exists in movies now, in
video games, in the flowing vapid river of Facebook posts, hope exists at
lottery ticket booths and fictionalized Church sessions, it exists during
binge-watching a horde of TV shows that dramatize our desires for a better
world, or better people using actors that read scripts written by boardroom
What can we
really do to get out of this hole that our leaders have led us so cunningly
into? What can we do to un-do what has
been done? What do we want, what are we
really doing here? We want centralization,
we are in a pursuit for relevancy. Is
that our human legacy outside of the very few that reach beyond the limitations
of the emotional human project? Is
Newton, Tesla and Einstein the exception, among few others compared to the
human population entering this mass idea of a civilization, to the devastating rule
that we are all doomed to be perpetually ignorant? Is the majority of us chasing ghosts and
angels as we attempt to understand the nature of reality or are we not even
doing that?
There are so
many people whose potential development has been systematically neutralized by
the education system, the media and their corporate and governmental
sponsors. In life we are told we are
free and are able to get away with what we want but that’s not an actual
reality. Most of us are shut down to
which we seek vengeance, not with the potential of our minds, no, we retreat to
virtual simulation to save us from feeling pathetic. We live on the internet, we vent through
video games.
What has
happened to us? We are sick, we are
desperate, we are lonely, we are loveless, and we are strangers among friends. We are separated within crowds, the raw
reality is that we have been abandoned, not by ideas but the idea of ideas, we
have been left marooned on our little individual planets under the belief that
we are connected even though there is very little to qualify that.
London Has Fallen, with its main character almost
behaving nihilistically, was a movie, but underneath all its gloss and so
called glory, its abandon us all, it’s a movie that acted irresponsibly, it’s
knowingly misleading its audience into the belief of ‘it’s us against them’ then it goes on to say not only ‘fuck them’ but ‘fucking kill every last one of them’. This level of detachment in a seemingly and
certainly a celebrated civilized society speaks volumes of the effectiveness of
its propaganda machine.
((Sorry I
wanted to go on about how it’s all going to turn around when people clue in to
how they are being misled….but I just couldn’t.
I don’t want to be a pessimist or a cynic but I just can’t see an out
and I don’t want this article to end with the kind of hope for the future the
propagandized film London Has Fallen has falsely
left us with.))