by Christopher
Dallas Buyers Club is the true story about a Texas electrician
named Ron Woodroof who is also a dirt-bag devious hustler. The film opens with Ron having sex with two
girls in a bull stall while looking through a fence at a bull rider getting bucked
around by an angry bull. We then see him
taking bets on a bull rider at the rodeo, after losing he makes a run for it
rather than paying the men who won the bet their money. After a run in with a cop he knows, to avoid
getting the piss beat out of him, Ron, feeling sick, is driven home only to collapse
on his living room floor of his run down trailer.

This film is
many things but at first it’s about how a person deals with their own life in
the face of imitate death. This was a disease
after all at the time in 1985, where the film starts off at, was widely
believed to be a homosexually transmitted disease. That ignorant way of thinking is likely the
main reason it spread so quickly in the 80’s.
Ron, being your average hillbilly Texan, had good reason to be confused,
until he did a little research to only discover that AIDS is not limited to
homosexuals, as the conservative media led people to believe.

Ron was
forced onto a sad and rough road to enlightenment, casting out all his beliefs
about the world and the people residing in it.
Most importantly he had to grow up and stop doing what he’s been doing. Ron had to become a fighter, he had to stop his
selfish ways, but like most change, he had to fall a couple of times before he
could successfully achieve it. His views
on homosexuality changed as well with the threat he once felt disappearing into
a humorous but genuine friendship with a gay man that dressed in woman’s

The FDA, Food
and Drug Administration, I’m certain started out as an organization set up to
protect the American population from unhealthy food and questionable drugs, but
now, like a lot of government sponsored programs, its fallen corrupt under the
spell of multinational mega corporations, whose financial interests consist of
mass production despite the health risks to the population.
Then there
is the pharmacological/medical apparatus with the addition to virologists,
researchers and clinics which can now receive huge grants and funding for
research. Like the Military Industrial
Complex of the Unites States which is designed to make lies sound truthful and
murder respectable, and to give the appearance of solidarity, the health
agencies and pharmaceutical companies must present their research and products
under the illusion of the highest standard expected in the world. This is people’s lives after all, but the
problem is these companies and institutions keep obfuscating the issues because
they are in the business of illness, sick people are their customers. Prevention therefore can only be temporary,
the crave must return in the form of pain to maintain repeat business. This is the reality of the World we live in;
the financial and fiscal responsibility is for the shareholders of companies
and not the people themselves.
These lies
run so deep, but the population goes along with what they want to believe. Their government is looking out for their
best interests and the interests of their family. According to the U.S. National Safety
Council; ‘Americans are 8 times more
likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist.’ But the government would have Americans
believe that there is a real threat to their homeland by foreign extremists.
The problem is people are not educated enough
to know better, to think for themselves, investigate for themselves, because
the purpose of the education system in America and elsewhere in the first
world, is not to spread enlightenment at all, which is why we don’t see
psychology and philosophy taught in schools, its purpose is to reduce as many
free-thinking individuals as possible to standardize the citizenry, to prevent
dissent and to discourage originality, to make people predictable consumers and
Plato said, “Those who are able to see beyond the shadows
and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the
masses.” Ron became such a person, a
person that saw the flaws in the hospital system of his country, he saw them
for what they are, representatives of the global juggernauts know as BIG PHARMA.
Monsanto is
a monstrous corporation that has massive economic and political strength over
the system, so they are able to get away with forcing pesticide-soaked Franken
foods on to the populace. It’s all just
business after all, the American dream is to build a future for yourself and
your family, it doesn’t say anything about who you have to step on to make that
dream come true.

Ron’s crime
in the film is stepping on the bottom dollar of such corporations, he wanted to
help himself and help some other people along the way, that ended up being his
salvation, not in the biblical sense but in the human sense. He finally saw beyond himself, beyond his point
of view and how he once saw the world.
The system
did end up failing him once he fully formed his dream to help others. That San Francisco judge did say that a man
should be able to do whatever it takes to survive but the law is above man and
the law prevailed. The law in all its wisdom
protected Big Pharma thanks to their bought and paid for federal drug dealer representatives
at the FDA.
Ron got beat
by big business for selling vitamins and protein supplements to sick people. Because they weren’t FDA approved, because
they weren’t part of the acceptable products being marked up for an obscene
amount of money.
Ron died of
his disease in 1992, 7 years after he was diagnosed to live only 30 days.