by Christopher

films are at their best when they chill you to the bone, successfully make you
feel fear. These days however we are getting startle movies, which jump
out at you but don’t resonate. Real horror films have to rip your guts
out before you leave the theatre or they failed at their job. So real
horror I think is left to the imagination, this was perfectly executed in The Blair Witch Project (1999), where
you never see the Blair Witch, but what the film does give you is a blank
platform for the audience member to fill in with their own deepest darkest fears.

Dr. Sam Loomis: I met him, fifteen years ago. I was told there was nothing left. No reason, no conscience, no understanding;
even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, good or evil, right or wrong. I met this six-year-old child, with this
blank, pale, emotionless face and, the blackest eyes…the devil’s eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him, and
then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized what was
living behind that boy’s eyes was purely and simple…evil.
– Halloween (1978)

Jaws (1975) did this brilliantly as
well, as half the film goes by before you see the shark, but you know it’s
there because of the masterful score of John Williams. Blair Witch had a
low enough budget that they couldn’t afford a monster so they worked with what
they had, nothing. Jaws did
have the budget but the animatronic shark kept breaking so Steven Spielberg, in
his genius kept filming anyway with less shark and in the case of both films,
this little set back turned them into horror classics.
is something inherently sexual about slasher movies. Something pumping
and pounding about people being chased down and slaughtered. This of
course is never to be confused with real murder in the real world, which is
something that 99.9% of the horror movie going public would never wish to
see. But we love these movies because they aren’t real but feel like they
are. I think it’s like the ‘Brain
in a Vat” philosophy where the relationship between mind and body come into
question. You became a witness to what
is happening to you, in some cases sexually and in other cases, more unfortunate
cases, you witness your own murder. Your
senses inform you of every slash to the face and stab to the body before the
brain dies into nothingness. So watching
this on screen can liven up all your senses without all the real death and
Dracula (1931) was pretty freaky to
watch, especially when I was young but I think out of them old horror black and
whites, I’d have to say Frankenstein (1931)
was my favorite. It was very odd to me
that a person could be made in a lab by another person, by way of various body
parts. I did like the parts with the
little kid, where you know the monster wasn’t going to hurt the kid because he
in some ways envied him, also the monster seemed to only have issue with the institutional
men, those that wished to control him or kill him. The kid didn’t fear him like the town folk
did, and therein lies the tragedy and message of the film, we fear the things
we don’t understand and we hate the things we fear. Also we have a responsibility when it comes
to science and in this case biology. There
are certain roads not ethically meant to go down and Dr. Frankenstein paid the
ultimate price for going down that road.
This also reminds me of another horror movie about not leaving the dead
as they are, dead. Pet Sematary (1989) was about a place you can bury a dead body and
the person would later magically come back to life. This story, like Frankenstein was about forbidden knowledge, it was about not
letting go and becoming desperate in the face of fear, the fear of loneliness.
We are animals and come from a long line of evolutionary violence as a stronger species wiped out a weaker species. In spite of the fiction that religions hold, that we are birthed out of divine design, we are actually blood thirsty animals that have become domesticated and tranquilized in modern society. But underneath all the fashion design and the technology lies a curiosity about death, pain and the fear that permeates within us all, a fear of our own death and the pain it might take to get there. There is something to be said about voyeurism and violence, which dates back to the very birth of civilization and even before then, when we lived in the bush.
the case of the Zombie genre of horror films, the fear is being bitten by one
and coming back as a brainless, flesh eating, reanimated corpse. I love
zombie movies because you can’t negotiate with zombies and to me, that’s pretty
scary and it’s exciting to be scared. I also enjoy the social commentary
often underlying a zombie movie, like with all the Romero films; the zombies
are a metaphor for the direction consumer culture is leading us. We as a
society are becoming more and more apathetic to our fellow human beings and
more attached to the products corporations advertise to us. Romero seen this as the death of humanity and
that’s why his films often ended with Zombies overtaking the remaining
survivors, assimilating them into their collective of bloody conformist.
Alien (1979) is up there, not only as one of my favorite Science Fiction films but also one of my favorite horror films. It doesn’t get any better than a group of people locked in a confined space with a slimy creature that doesn’t appeal to reason. One by one, this creature fulfills its evolutionary purpose of expanding its species by killing a weaker species along the way, hiding in the shadows as its terrified prey lurk through the steel, cold hallways of the space mining vessel, Nostromo. This brilliant use of claustrophobic terror was also seen in John Carpenter’s The Thing (1982), where a group of men in the freezing cold artic fall victim to a multi shape shifting alien that acts like a virus, also mimicking its victim’s likeness in order to jump from one to another to survive. This fear of isolation follows a family to the Overlook Hotel in the Colorado Rockies over winter in Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining (1980). Jack Nicholson plays a man hired to be the caretaker as the hotel is closed for the winter. He’s a writer that suffers from inadequacy and alcoholism which as a result of his failure in life, goes insane and attempts to kill anything and anyone around him as psychotics tend to do.
The Exorcist (1973) tells the shilling story of a little girl possessed by a demon and the exorcism required to get that demon to hell out of her. This film is sick, in all its horrifying glory with the little girls head spinning around on her neck and all the vomit projecting, all over the two thankless priests. This is one of those movies that a person should do a movie than dinner and not the other way around.

– 2 – Freddy’s coming for you, 3 – 4 – Better lock your door, 5 -6 – Grab your
crucifix, 7 – 8 – Better stay up late, 9 – 10 – Never sleep again…”

the Horror genre bled itself dry with many sequels and rip-offs, it was looking
like it was dead in the grave until Scream
(1996) breathed new life into its dying corpse. That movie succeeded
by being aware of the horror movie genre itself, where the killer would quiz
his potential victims on horror movies and if they got the answers wrong, they
would die a horrible agonizing death. The movie also didn’t take itself
too seriously which is part of what made it work because a lot of those older
horror movies are a bit laughable when you look back on them. The social
climate was changing with the advent of the internet and the use of cell phones;
altering forever the way we communicate. Modern victims had to be tricked
a different way than they did in the 70’s, the information age demanded that
they should know better. So victims tripping and falling over themselves
with a slow moving attacker pursuing them had to be done away.