Friday 23 August 2024

Sherlock Holmes and Mass Media: How has the World become more Stranger than Fiction?

Where does our food come from?

Where does our medical advice come from?

Where does our history come from?

We are at an impasse.  We are stuck, most of us, between idealized views of the world and ideology, a zero-sum game.  We are marooned in our minds by our outside controlled environment.  Capitalism has captured our intelligence; consumerism has distracted our meaning.  We are subject to this system of control, obedience, conformity, and brand loyalty.  This corporate and governmental web is suffocating us.  We are in a state of de-evolution.

When I was a kid, what the hell did I know?  I was brought up with modest means and educated by intellectually challenged people, parents, and teachers.  Certainly, there was this and that, and some books and understanding later that led me to view our plight, our station in society that concerns me.  There’s a journey-less traveled problem here.

Sherlock Holmes is assigned to the case, along with Watson, also Watson isn’t gender-swapped, it’s Holmes and Watson.  What do they think, as investigators if they took on our case?  Where do reason and logic apply in the mind of Holmes?  Sherlock Holmes is a central character in the subject of ‘how’ to think.  How would this fictional character, a ‘consulting detective’ think about our current woke mind virus position through, observation, deduction, forensic science, and logical reasoning?

Holmes had his moments of the fantastical, but his real ground was logic and reason, philosophically.  Watson asks Holmes about the ‘Woke Mind Virus” and Holmes doesn’t want to hear it because it conflates, distracts, distorts, it contaminates.  Investigations should be impartial, Holmes passed on to Watson.  Holmes would know about government oversight, mass media manipulation, and corporate greed.

The point here is a fictional character could figure out what’s going on here.  It shouldn’t take Sherlock Holmes to help us figure out that we’ve been played.  Capitalism has become our wallpaper and consumerism our apps.  We have been convinced that we are not good enough, by powerful people who own all the magazines, run all the studios, and own mass media.  Why do we continue to listen to these people?

What would Holmes do? 

Holmes would think, and that might be what we are missing in our technologically savvy current state.  We have to think, investigate, wonder, curiosity, all of the above.  The problem is we are usually told what to think by our brain and assume the thought our brain told us to think was a thought we originated.  Little do know.   

To serve, we have to go deeper.  Sherlock Holmes, along with every philosopher has always asked the question, why?


We are our own operating system, technically, bare-bones, but we are thinking, hopefully about a ‘lifeboat’ so to speak.  Freud called it our ‘self-preservation drive’ on account that we want to live, but yet we defy that instinct by allowing ourselves to be consumed by……this place we find ourselves.

Metaphorically, it feels weird sinking on the Titanic with so many people oblivious that the ship is sinking.  So many are singing songs and watching sporting events, playing video games, and smoking weed, while the ship starts sinking around them.  It’s sort of amazing that the fortitude of blindness so many, (when I saw so many, I mean mostly, sadly  - everybody) project and defend as the ship continues to sink.

There is a mass migration of undocumented people flooding most Western countries at the behest of the nation's leaders.  Are they doing this because they care?  Do they feel guilty that most of these people are coming from impoverished and war-torn countries as a result of the West, I’m mainly looking at you, America, sucking these respective countries of all their resources?  Are they allowing this mass migration because of DEI, turning over a new leaf of sorts?  Reach deep down, you know they are not allowing this for any of these reasons.

So why are these Western countries allowing this mass migration?  The working people of the West are servants to the elite, and at this point, some of us are well-paid servants.  One of the reasons for this mass migration is to lower the wage gap.  Our greedy Overlords want more for themselves and less for us.  Another reason is the military, western people aren’t flocking to the military anymore – ‘to make a difference’.  The Military Industrial Complex needs soldiers that will die for it, so they can make their profit.

Another reason for mass migration is these Elites know that Western countries are falling, quite similar to the Roman Empire, and these greedy bastards want to get ahead of it before it falls.  By the way, like the housing market crash in 2008, these nations are falling not because of the working-class people, they’re falling because of the bloodsucking Globalists.

We did not start this, we just want to get by, feed our families, and survive.  As for our Opulent Owners, they are consumed by the high of greed and power.  They can’t help themselves and they hate us for it.  People at that level of wealth and power are not happy people, quite the opposite.  We’re taught that being rich will make us happy so these ‘Earthly Gods’ will have servants to manage their operations.  “One of the greatest tricks the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”  Folks, we have been laboring under one of the biggest lies we’ve ever been told.

As much as some of us love Sherlock Holmes, he isn’t going to help us here.  Fiction is no longer working if we hope to see the other side of this.  So many people are like, nope, nope, ‘I can’t think about that.’  Still with the ignorance is bliss bullshit.  I’m sorry but this isn’t going away.  Trust me, I want to forget about it, but I can’t.  I want to get away from it all but here I am.  We are in a culture war for our lives and the lives of your children and everybody else's. 

Monday 19 August 2024

THE ENDGAME: A Short Look into What’s Happening in the World and Why it’s Tearing Our Culture Apart.

 Okay, what is going on?  That’s the real question behind all this global chaos and all this cultural division.  Are we in a mass extermination event?

The ‘humanity’ as we know it, is being eradicated by a cabal of men and women with interests in evolving our species into molds of their choosing, not ours.  Currently, we are all being psychologically conditioned to accept this New World, where we will own nothing, we will be content with our masters, and we will live in a world that has erased its past.

We are being biologically tampered with and, through mass propaganda campaigns, we are being culturally metamorphized into something that isn’t in any of our best interests.  We are being changed into a form of human that isn’t compatible with the natural laws of nature.  We are being lied to about identity politics.  We are being educationally castrated and taught to believe that having babies is bad for the environment, bad for our idealized future, and harmful to our identities.

This all sounds insane, that we are moving, being forcibly driven toward a post-human future, where machines will run the world.  How many science fiction movies have prepared us for years for this possible future?  The psychological conditioning required to convince an ‘intelligent’ species to go along with this madness is its own nefarious miracle.  

How do you convince a mass population to agree to its own extinction?  Everywhere you look, we are being controlled, under surveillance, and influentially divided, for the sole purpose of conquering us.  Whether you want to believe this or not, we are being systematically downgraded, with many being removed altogether, to make way for a future that will never belong to us.  That’s a scary thought indeed, especially for those who have children.

Our reality has been altered, through mass media, social media, smartphone addiction, porn addiction, drugs, and alcohol addiction, and lots of meticulous misdirection by highly powerful people that don’t care about us.  One of the biggest pills to swallow while ‘waking up’ is the knowledge that the very people you vote for and entrust your safety along with your family’s, doesn’t care to know you, be around you, and could care less if you lived or died.  I think the direction we are going in society; they’d probably prefer if you just died.

We have become destabilized, dehumanized, and demoralized, by design.  Let that sink in.  Our governments and their corporate sponsors, under the control of a small group of power-seeking oligarchs, have manipulated us all into believing that our planet is at the peak of climate destruction, they did this in the past, warning us that the oil will be gone in 10 years and famine by 1975, in the 60s, in the 70s they warned us that all the natural resources will be gone by 2000, we’ll also all require gas masks by 1985, the fish were expected to go extinct and…. Killer Bees!! Let’s not forget the ice age by 2000.  In the 80s acid rain was supposed to kill us all, and more droughts, oil depletion, and sea levels rising, but none of this happened.  What about the ice caps melting, and flooding the world’s shorelines, the ozone layer was supposed to kill us all in the 80s.  I could go on and on about how much our ‘trusted’ leaders, fear-mongering, have scared us into believing anything they say.

The real threats we face today are the destruction of the family, our children being indoctrinated in schools, spirituality being dismissed, social media polluting all our minds, especially our children.  All our human connections are being severed, not only from each other but our connections with nature.  All our food is becoming more and more poisonous, by design.  You will not hear any of this through corporate mass media because they are in collusion with the powerful hand that feeds them.  And then there’s all the division.

I hate that I need a disclaimer…. but  ooops….(sadly, the times we live in)  There’s a problem with division that I can’t get over, we are being fed (mis) (dis) information and I have an opinion about that.  Luckily, I realize my opinion is… mine, and can be analyzed, and/or distorted beyond my consent.  I’m okay with that because I love debate.

So, what is happening in our media culture?  We are being led down an elitist-controlled path toward what?  We are being trained by the government and their corporate sponsors, through mass propaganda, to not only comply with their dictates but also fight amongst ourselves.  Guess what, most people are taking the bait.

Are we that dumb?  We are allowing these opulent owners to manipulate us into fighting each other so we don’t fight them.  Really?  This is where we are, gay rights, trans rights, black lives matter?  I would argue most of us in the West are fine with all these communities, people should be able to do whatever they want, certainly with whomever they choose. 

So, is gaslighting the new norm?  The media just says this group hates that group and we are all left to just follow along?  What are we doing?  Why are we letting these Globalists tell us how to live and treat each other?  This Woke Trojan Horse is what is happening in our culture.  We are being rebooted and while our owners are forcing policies on your country and mine, we are debating over, ‘was he female or was she male’ bullshit.  Houdini couldn’t come up with a better misdirect.

We are arguing over gender?  Who gives a fuck!!  Ooops…  I lost some of you woke people, sorry.  Gender, who gives a fuck about gender, and why are these Globalists pushing this agenda?  I know we are all programmed by the media empire to be inclusive, not by our own design but by… propaganda.

The divisiveness is in/and around everything.  We are fighting each other for a voice and an opinion, sadly by design.  I hate this trap we have allowed ourselves to get… stuck… in.  I know educated people who should know better and are stuck in this loop of diversity, equity, and inclusion programs.  Push… push… push…  Don’t get me wrong, I believe everyone should get a shot, but meritocracy should be the real judge, despite of skin color or gender.

I can already feel the heartbeats pumping.  That’s the propaganda machine demanding your obedience.  The point is to fight that Orwellian boot stomping on your face.  We are in a culture war and we still are arguing over dumb shit that none of us are, directly, involved with, like its defining, sorry about the drama, the meaning of our fucking life.

It’s understandable, turning a big problem – life – into a smaller more digestible problem like racism and segregation.  Sadly, it’s so small, it limits the human mind's potential to pecking orders and fast food. 

Okay, so now you might be thinking, ‘Is he comparing racism to fast food?’  Yes.  We have been redirected to care about subjects like racism to misdirect us from actual global concerns.  It’s more of the dumbing down of the culture, to keep us all distracted on skin color, and not government oversight.

We all don’t want to hear it but… we’ve been doped.  We have been lied to about nearly everything we’ve been ‘taught’.   You feel it like The Matrix’s ‘splinter in your mind’.  You know something is wrong.  The problem, the mountain to climb, is what to do about it.

We have more in common than most of us think.  Our values and morals are likely in the same lane, but the media monster is the weapon to keep us, not only second-guessing ourselves but dividing ourselves from each other.

When you turn your TV, computer, and cell phone off…. poof, the virus disappears.  It’s magic….hmm.  I wonder why that is….??

This is all a dream, you will wake up in 5…… 4……. 3……. 2…

Friday 7 June 2024

The Acolyte: Star Wars and ‘Not’ Surviving the Woke Mind Virus.

Viewer discretion advised.


Where…. do… I… begin… this galaxy couldn’t be any far.. farther away.

Broken record when it comes to Disney…. but here it goes….  WOKE!!!

Laid on so thick it makes you want to hate yourself.  There was no fun of what little I actually could get through before I pulled the pin on the grenade.  

Boxes checked.

Hates men…. Check.

Hates white people…. Check.

DEI…. Check.

Diversity above meritocracy…. Check.

Bad fucking writing…. Check.

Boring characters…. Check.

I will not be going into any plot details because it might bore you to death and I want you to read this to the end, also you’re welcome.  What I would like to talk about isn’t necessarily this torpedo of a shit show, as Disney+ continues to spiral.  The woke mind virus is infecting everything.  It seems like there is no way around it.  For those of you who might be unclear on the meaning of woke and its cultural implications, damage, and severity; The Woke Industrial Complex is the ideology of an insincere fabrication of victims & victimhood through manufactured oppression/discrimination, for the ultimate purpose of acquiring power through such victimhood and attaining undeserved social standing through artificial outrage and virtue signaling.


If you feel the following symptoms consult your local doctor:

You know that people never say what they mean.  They mean what you think they mean.

You can accurately determine what other people mean by leaping incredibly large assumptions that come from your mind, not theirs, and then you can inform them of what they meant by what they said.

You get the sensation that you’ve helped because of the highly emotionally charged feeling that developed inside while you weren’t helping at all.  This helps make your efforts all about  - you guessed it  - you.

You get Social Justice Warrior points for criticizing and hopefully canceling other white people on social media to get your dopamine hit, but you don’t get any points for helping racially oppressed people because other people don’t notice you doing it.  No dopamine hit.

The question is: what is happening here?  Why is Disney sinking their own ship?  It is hemorrhaging from all sides, it knows it, we know it, and the shareholders know it, so why is the mouse without a house?  The Acolyte is boring, nothing about it is interesting, and the dialogue is so badly written. Laughable writing, horrible acting all around, no wisdom to be had by anything.  It’s a joke.  It’s not Star Wars, that ship sailed way back.  What I did watch of this, if I can get overly dramatic, felt like slicing lines on the tips of my fingers with a razor blade, full stop.

Jesus, the Jedi are killing themselves in this because it was so bad.  It turns out they are evil now; they are part of the patriarchy and must be stopped.  The Jedi are now the Sith?  Disney is dead, they killed Pixar, they killed Marvel, and they killed Star Wars.  May they rest in peace.  I’m not getting overly dramatic again, am I?

Back to the point.  Agenda.  What does Disney gain from losing?  What does any of this woke crap gain by losing.  I’m looking at you Bud Light and Target, and many others.  What are they gaining by losing?  They are doing it because they have no choice if they want to survive the next chapter of this thing we call life.  They have no choice but to do what we call ‘woke’.  It's business, not diversity.

The Force is Female after all.  Blame men.  Programming…..

The sad thing is, all these groups fighting over washrooms, pride parades, and equity have no idea that the government and their corporate sponsors are using them all.  They don’t care about black rights and the gay community, they don’t care.  They care about power.  They are using their power to keep people divided and distracted…. Why?

Climate change and the pandemic only affected the working class.  Rich people are fine, no virus, and pollute whenever.  The propaganda is so thick that it blinds most people.  We are all pitted against each other, and we are not the enemy.  They make us care about other people's sexuality when it’s none of our business, they make us care about skin color and not read philosophy.  I hate watching people, everywhere I look get duped by these governmental corporate criminals.  They don’t care about you, they don’t care!!

In conclusion: watch The Acolyte at your own risk.


Sorry, during the pandemic the ‘bought and paid for’ mass media instructed us not to do our own research.  I guess we’re supposed to believe them or some bullshit like that……

PS. There are only two genders.



Family, heterosexuality, and having babies are not in our owners' vision of their future, not ours, so asexual, boy on boy, girl on girl, or so many sexual partners that no one can trust anything is the state of our future.

Sorry folks, I wish I had some light to give at the end of this tunnel, but I can’t.  I wish I could…..

Saturday 12 August 2023

Overflowing of Useless Information and the End of Reality

By Chris Barr

We are being berated with Jackson Pollack-type spattered ideas, dripping from site after site, online person after online person.  We are being inundated with ‘information’ to discombobulate our ability to focus on any given idea, before we are sideswiped onto another screen warning us of the global collapse of the eco-system, then slammed into the brick wall of unilateral, inverted, paradoxical sexual ideology, only to be pulled into the current war and who we are being now, programmed to hate, for reasons the news media loves to pepper us with at two-minute increments, or so. 

The internet flow of traffic would have lost its driver’s license years ago on actual city streets and country highways.  There are barely any stop signs, but there are boatloads of de-platforming and canceling individuals for possessing so-called scary ideas.  The Internet is where great ideas go to die, and sadly it was never always this way.  The Internet was initially meant to connect people.  Who knew, it did that exactly, just not for the intended purpose.  Instead, what we ended up getting was this massive gladiatorial digital battle arena, where all our insecurities, all our self-loathing, and all our narcissism could blow off every ounce of steam our modern, distracted brains would permit.   


The Internet is a useful tool for all of us humans to connect with the world and open our minds to new ideas while we maturely debate old ones.   It allows us access to all the knowledge ever collected at one click of a button…a..butt…butto……







As long as we have internet platforms where the shroud of anonymity protects the willfully ignorant from Real world – physical – consequences, we shall all remain hostage to the lunacy of narcissistic myopic meta-avatars.  Truth, within the chaos of the internet, can never be allowed to spread its wings for all of us to ‘truly’ examine.  Language, the delivery device itself, will always expose its blind spots, and allow ignorance to exploit its potential, resulting in its own undoing, within the system of the digital machine.

All this technology is telling us that - we will become faster if we allow it to integrate within our lives and within our minds.  There has been no real-world study or peer-reviewed study, that ever showed that technology has, as a whole, helped human beings become better than the state they were before the technological revolution.  Sure, in many fields of technology, humans made progress, but there always seems to be that nasty cost factor that rears its ugly head.  Technology has become so heavy on the Tree of Life that the branches that hold it up are cracking and breaking. 

Speaking of branches, an olive branch, shall we, technology I suppose dates back to the first ever tool formed by early hominids to gain access to bone marrow.  In Eastern Africa, our early ancestors, hunters and gatherers, would hide, and wait it out while a lion would kill its prey and then eat its fill.  Our early ancestors stayed still and waited for the hyenas to come along and eat the remaining flesh off the carcass.  They would wait to see if the coast was clear and then run up to the skeletal remains of the animal and dig out its bone marrow to feed on.  Humans at that point in our long-storied history were low on the food chain, by no means near the bottom, but low.  Then came fire, which changed everything, probably the largest technological leap ever made by any Earth animal.  Fire skyrocketed humans to the top of the food chain, nothing could stop them and to this day, fire has become the greatest Promethean gift humans could ever have.  Fire allows humans to control everything moving and breathing on this planet, then it controlled the skies.  Fire lit up the world, and we have never looked back.

Today, we have all been boxed into digital cages on the internet where all our passions, desires, and hostilities exist.  Our very souls have been outsourced to fantasy, a battle, and life that only exists outside of the world we were all born into.  We have become simulations in this simulacra of our former selves, we have become incarnations of our own hopes and dreams.  The prison of our minds belongs to corporations and governments that have successfully placed digital shackles around us, to rob us of what truly is possible outside of this symbiotic illusion.

What is real and what is fake?  Can we truly, authentically, tell the difference anymore?

People in the world outside of their computer and cell phone screens will continue passively to stumble their way through this complicated life, while their online confident surrogates continue to flex their digitally-programmed gaming muscles at anyone who doesn’t have an opportunity to challenge them face-to-face in the air we all breathe, for a real debate of ideas, exercising actual free-speech, without the interference from the ruling party of power-craving elitists.

We are now all scrambling to make sense of a world that is rife with semiotic chaos.  Everywhere we look now the signals are mixing and reassigning themselves to opposing ideologies.  We are living in - the upside-down, and for the most part, it’s all being orchestrated on purpose.  We question everyone around us to such a degree these days, that ourselves are all that’s left to question.  So, we end up doing that too.  We begin to betray our own instincts, seeing them as foreign invaders, corrupting us from the inside out.

This parade of sound-bite chaos is available to any of us when we ‘flip’ through our phones.  Turning your brain to misinfortaining mush as you stare into the screen, closing off the real world outside your actual window.  The sounds click and bang securing your ears to the device, your eyes barely blinking as you look deeper into the simulated reality of the disordered world presented to you.

Training videos – lose the weight, don’t lose the weight, eat this – don’t eat that. 

UFOs are real according to our always reliable government, conspiracy theory.  

Cures for Cancer remedies – just drink this slug daily, cured.  Big Pharma plant.  

Group A is trying to kill Group B for not conforming to Group A’s stupid ideology.  

Couples playing tricks on each other ‘I tripped my wife with the Dog’ went viral.  

Climate Change is the new virus sent from the elites to kill us but it’s all our fault.  

Your car is trying to kill you. Is it the gas-guzzling or the lithium batteries, or both?  

Globalists plan to poison the meat supply while they produce 3D-printed ‘meat’. 

OnlyFans models are being replaced by AI influencers, bot models vs. the ‘real’ thing. 

PIZZAGATE is good for you – if you are part of the club.  Order your pizza tonight. 

Satan is everywhere – vitamins are bad for you – Woke Hollywood has shut down.  

Men are women and women are men, men can be women but women can’t….

We are allowing governments from all over the world to unite in our capture.  They are getting away with it because we are hypnotized by the discombobulation of reality itself hosted by them, these power structures that only wish to manipulate it all.  They mean to control all our physical property and the very sustenance we all require to survive, food and water.  Conspiracy theories?

This is the time we should all be having meaningful conversations without the fear of being offended.  In bars and taverns, they say we shouldn’t be talking about politics and religion and when you add alcohol they may be right but either/or we should be talking. The consequences of not challenging ourselves and the way we look at our community, our city, our country, and our world, leaves us empty and marooned as we look upon each other as the enemy against our ideology.  If we are afraid to talk about anything, in fear of opposing ‘information’ itself then – we won’t.  We should be talking to each other but the composers of this symphony of silence have created a room where people, with opinions, should remain castrated.  The internet is where they want us to go destroy each other.  We have become T.S. Eliot’s ‘Hollow Men’, we have become tired and lonely, and we have allowed these globalists to capture our fears and use them to rebuild a world in their image, an image that you and I are not invited to.


Steal your mind back from those that only wish to manipulate and control it.


Wednesday 12 July 2023

Sound of Freedom, Human Trafficking and Protecting our Children

Based on a true story.

“God’s children are not for sale!!”

Sound of Freedom is a powerful and important film bringing awareness to the horrific child sex trafficking network where millions of children are snatched up yearly to feed its global revenue requirements of $150 Billion.  Yes – you read that correctly.  It’s a business, one on a scale that should pause us all, but…


Why are the legacy media networks trashing this movie about exposing sex trafficking and child slavery?

Why is this so-called fair-and-balanced mainstream media interested in associating the film with bullshit ‘Qanon adjacent’ conspiracy theories?

Why wouldn’t this governmental and corporate-sponsored media be interested in spreading awareness of this kidnapping cabal of profiteering madmen?

Why is this film being smeared about the drinking of human blood and its anti-transgender message when neither of these subjects is brought up or appear in any shape or form throughout the films running time?

Has truth become abstract in this ideological ‘smart’ 1st world?  Is there a full-on propaganda campaign against reason and logic in this post-human existence?


Sound of Freedom is based on the true story of Tim Ballard’s journey into darkness. Human trafficking exists and this film provides a sliver of insight into the global network that appears to operate in-and-around the purview of what we might call law, human decency, freedom, and moral compass.     

The film follows a passionate man hellbent on putting any and all ‘Pedos’ behind bars but considers the victims and must go on a seemingly sacrificial operation to save a little girl.

The film must be experienced so there is no real need to go deeper into the plot other than what was mentioned above.


How is there divisiveness when wanting to prevent or save children from predatoral sexual servitude?

Why wouldn’t we all agree on this international tragic crime, despite our ideologies or political leanings?

Aren’t we all on the side of protecting children?

Why has it become a controversy to protect and save children from sex trafficking?

CNN says the film is propaganda Qanon promoting ideology, so does the NewYorkTimes.  Rolling Stone magazine says ‘Sound of Freedom’ Is a Superhero Movie for Dads with Brainworms.  Others have printed - if you type the words “sound of freedom” into Twitter (decent people who wish to live good, happy lives should under no circumstances actually do this).  This is where we are in our social media-driven society.  Journalism is a mass media arm for the globalists and their One World Governmental agenda.  As cruel and repulsed as we view the sexual enslavement of children, there are many that live on the top floors and are flown in massive jets pontificating about ‘climate change’ that do not.

After 20th-century Fox was bought up by Disney they sat on releasing Sound of Freedom, why?  Disney celebrates - children?  Sound of Freedom is about protecting all our children. Why wouldn’t Disney release the film?  They ditched it and it got picked up by Angel and finally released after five years.

Make your own judgment.   Check: PIZZAGATE 

The entertainment media complex chose to ignore it for the most part because their bosses, bosses, bosses ordered them to discredit the film because its subject, not pointing any real fingers, but might be hitting too close to home, in however perverted pedo minds work.


There’s one thing about adults fighting amongst themselves but children should have nothing to do with our divisive narcissistic bullshit.  They are not equipped with our neurotic, often illogical, sometimes hedonistic, and selfish ways at their young and innocent age.  They have no armor to defend themselves. 

This film pissed me off just watching it.  It was so well filmed and made its point so emotionally succinctly that it hit my nerve endings, as it should have, which is what the film was aiming to do.

Sound of Freedom is a great film and I hope that everyone goes and sees it.  It’s worth feeling a little bit uncomfortable to at least glimpse into the filmed version of a reality that’s happening all over the world.

Friday 24 December 2021

Spider-Man: No Way Home, The Multiverse and Getting out of Your Own Way

By Christopher Barr POSTED ON Christmas Eve, 2021

 "You're flying out to darkness to fight a ghost."

 - Otto Octavious 

The level of wokeness – identity politics – and SJW shit that wasn’t present in this movie is its own post-logic miracle. This movie was about people – all people – whomever you may be – to come and enjoy an action-adventure film without being torpedoed with – confabulating ideologies forced into a mosaic of fabricated far-leftist multiculturalism.

Spider-Man: No Way Home was about growing up and leaving yourself out of the outcome if that outcome for the group is better off without you in it. The truth is we don’t always get our way – we don’t always get what we want – we are often left out – we are often left alone. The flipside is – we – grow. We learn to navigate, we learn to assign meaning, within ourselves, to what is meaningful about the relationships and the world that is all around us.

The Spider-Boy becomes a Spider-Man.

Spoilers ahead……..

To proceed forward assume your spider senses are tingling.

Matt Murdock – Daredevil.  This was exciting to see that Charlie Cox’s Netflix Daredevil character was loved enough by fans that Marvel saw fit to put him into the MCU movies.  He will add a great deal of, and much needed, maturity to upcoming MCU movies.

No Way Home juggled all the previous Spider-verse villains seamlessly and then comes Andrew’s Amazing Spider-Man and then Tobey’s Spider-Man to add icing on the cake that I haven’t seen at the movies in a long time, nostalgically speaking.  There are still a lot of questions, but this was a calculated but convoluted movie with many moving parts, even for complex subject matter that surrounds the Multiverse and String-Theory. 

Speaking of - Question: Does the other Peter’s, Tobey and Andrew, in their respective universes have all their loved ones who know they are Spider-man, forget them as well?

Electro – Jamie Foxx got to not be so blue.  His Electro thankfully stayed true to the comic book character and was electricity yellow whenever he blasted lightning from his hands.

Green Goblin – William Defoe killed it in every scene.  Spoiler friendly spoiler hahahahaha.  He didn’t skip a beat from 2002’s Spider-Man and still looks great.

Dr. Ock - Alfred Molina was great once again as the multi-tentacled villain.  He's always been the voice of reason as long as he is in control of his cybernetic technology and not the other way around. 

So much spectacle, so much fan service, so much awesomeness.  Spider-Man: No Way Home was a fun movie to watch from start to finish – and that’s it, that’s all I have to say, but…. It turns out it isn’t – there’s a little more.  The movie is so much more than its moving mechanical tentacles… I mean parts.   

Post-Logic Miracle: A Marvel movie inspiring not only its main character but its audience to grow up and assume responsibility is – for a lack of a better word – inspiring.  We learn to step aside and get out of our own way if necessary for the greater good.  This film turns out to be philosophically utilitarian in the end with no wokeness insight.

"The problem is you trying to live two different lives.  The longer you do it the more dangerous it becomes."

 - Dr. Strange

Dr. Strange performed a spell, by Peter’s request, to magically disappear anyone’s memory of Peter Parker being Spider-Man through a sort of magical Mandela Effect – which at this point the whole world knows who Spider-Man’s identity is.

I do think that Strange’s eagerness to help Peter with this spell despite its dire consequences may have less to do with this movie and more to do with the Dr. Strange upcoming sequel.  Some questions – I guess we wait and see.

Spider-Man: No Way Home was the best Marvel movie I’ve seen in years.  It was respectful of what came before it.  It didn’t come off selfish or even jealous of the earlier Spider-Man movies.  Instead, it chose to celebrate them with actual class.  The film had real stakes where Peter had to make choices with consequences, some with unfortunate outcomes.  The No Way Home in the title could certainly be toward the villains and Andrew and Toby's Spider-Men, but No Way Home is really about how the MCU's Spider-Man was never going backward where he could seek comfort at his home.

This movie showed that Tom Holland's Peter Parker wasn't actually Spider-Man until the end of this film.  By the end, when he puts on the new suit that he made, and after taking full responsibility for his previous actions, only then do we truly see our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility



The Matrix: Resurrections and Caught Up in a Meta-Loop of Destruction

By Christopher Barr POSTED ON Christmas Eve, 2021

---If we don’t know what is real we are often unable to resist what isn’t.---

Tabula Rosa – is the theory that individuals are born without built-in mental content, and therefore all knowledge comes from experience or perception.  The mind isn’t born with a hardwired possession of certain knowledge.

Some spoilers ahead……………

Like a mosquito at a nudist colony, I’m trying to figure out where to begin with this fourth installment of The Matrix franchise.  Which by the way, this movie cynically criticizes throughout the first half of its long-running time.

The Matrix: Resurrections is about choice, destiny, identity, and trans-formation.  The movie explores qualifying memory recall and whether free will is an illusion and destiny always being part of our programming.  Then - we are able to escape that programming through, I guess through some form of free will, hence these strange repeating loops and inconsistencies this movie softly investigates.  I would argue – not well.

Is reality-based in memory nothing but fiction?

Thomas Anderson (AKA Neo) in this version of the Matrix is a video game creator and designer of The Matrix game for a company called Deus Machina.  Which is a game that mirrors the content, characters, and plot of The Matrix 1999 film, which of course is unknown to the millions of gamers that reside in this seventh version of the Matrix from which they perceive reality.  I know what you’re thinking – a loop within a loop within a loop within a loop then a meta-loop, and so on.

Thomas goes to therapy to try and resolve the psychotic and suicidal issues he has been experiencing for some time now.  He believes he doesn’t belong in his current reality; he believes somethings wrong or off with this place, “like a splinter in his mind” that he just can’t put his finger on.  So, he keeps taking his blue pills to help from going ‘crazy’.  A word, it turns out, he isn’t permissible to say in his therapy session.

Thomas meets up with Tiffany (AKA Trinity) in a cafĂ© called Simulatte.  They start to get the feels and begin to remember moments of their ‘true’ past.  Thomas through therapy and Tiffany through dreams.  Thomas is then brought over to the real world, which has survived 60 years since the last time he was there, by red pilling it and then planning to get Trinity out of the Matrix.  That’s pretty well it, no saving the world, bin there dun dat, just get Trinity out.

Big shocker, in the end, Trinity becomes the One and saves Neo and then takes down the patriarchy afterward.  This hasn’t been a common theme permeating cinema and culture in the last five years, has it?

---If we are unable to distinguish the difference between what is real and what isn’t we are doomed to be trapped in fantasy.---

Reason it appears, is unable to break out from its own loop.  No matter what these characters do, they seem to remain caught in this Matrix loop, indefinitely.  In our, outside of this movie, world we are not able to change on the level that our imaginary and emotional perceptions tend to believe.  We have thoughtful stories and internal narratives that persuade our minds into going along with this line of thinking, often in a quite convincing way, but to quote the actual Morpheus, “There’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.”

The truth is most of our lives are lived internally within the neuro-synaptic confines of our minds.  We perceive the world outside our braincase, we feel it affect our nerves and gather sensory data through our many available inputs, we then form a narrative and live that story as if it were as real as apple pie.

Echoes of the past ripple up to this point in time only to help us forget.

The fight scenes were sloppy, unlike the choreographed artistry of the original.  The action scenes for the most part was generic and in some cases crappy for what you’d expect from a Matrix film.  The Merovingian from Reloaded makes an appearance in one such crappy action scene yelling out barely coherent indictments against Neo.  I won’t go into detail, but it was just a sad sight to behold.  How did that make it into final picture I will never know?

All the far……….far left, neon hair dye and non-binary, diversity couldn’t swoop in and virtue-signal this movie from being a cardboard simulacra shadow of its former self.  The wokeness in this movie is plastered throughout, unfortunately, which ultimately bogs down the story and drenches it in identity politics.  To be fair, the reason it is bad isn’t hinged on its wokeness – it’s just bad filmmaking from screenplay to picture lock to final test screening.

There were a few moments that were -actually- okay.  The movie dived a little into Predictive programming and the meta-message about exploiting nostalgic IPs for the sole purpose of a money grab but Neo and Trinity are the real focus here.  Everyone and I mean every other character in this movie are forgettable, ‘Who was forgettable?’ ‘Exactly.’

Other than that, there was no real innovation and only rudimentary cookie cut-out philosophy that was even beneath entry-level Philosophy 101.  The Matrix: Resurrections did make a profound statement despite itself; the audiences of today can’t handle the discourse and depth of The Matrix 1999.

Resurrections is more on par with Revolutions, the third Matrix movie.  It’s lighter and more dumbed-down to suit how the studio likely thinks what contemporary audiences, with many bubble-wrapped and willing participants in victimhood culture, would be prepared to sit through.  Are we the problem here?  This current system?  Social media?  Why do we resist the Red Pill?  Is the choice an illusion or was the red pill always decided?  Sadly, these days I don’t see much of that going around.

Why are we all so easily offended in our first-world technocracy?  We have become hyper-sensitive to any comment, opinion, or view that conflicts with our own perspective.  We often become agitated at the slightest bend in our narrative, that story that we believe defines us.

We are alone in the fastest and most expansive time that human beings on this planet have experienced.  We have technological advances and scientific discoveries developing at a rapid pace.  We have endless conflicts with governments and their often-absurd policies, and the daily threat of impending doom by some unknown, faceless enemy.

We have difference in every direction, constantly reminding us of how small we are, among all this chaos.  We have health warnings, passive-aggressive violence, and system failure seemingly lurking around every corner of our lives.  We have numerous multi-cultures of people, that believe in other gods and live by dissimilar traditions than the ones we are accustomed to. 

We do have control but the problem with it is it isn’t real, it’s manufactured.  Our control mainly comes in the form of some technology or what we choose to buy.  The problem with this control we all share is, our control isn’t really ours, it belongs to the corporations that deceived us into thinking it’s ours.   


---If reality alludes us, we will inevitably fall prey to illusions presented to us.---